Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression and Prescription Drug Addiction
I’m not an addict, I have legitimate pain! Chronic Pain and Prescription Drug Addiction According to the American Pain Foundation, there are 50 million Americans that suffer from chronic pain each...
View Article10 Reasons Why People Abuse Drugs
The reasons why people use drugs vary greatly for every individual. More often than not, a person is trying to fix an issue within their life and they see drugs as the solution. A young person may be...
View ArticleSaving Your Career and Life While in Rehab
Case managers can help protect your job You’re living a double life. You go to work and have a family and friends. But the other side is darker. You drink or do drugs to get through your day. You even...
View ArticleWhy People Get Addicted To Painkillers
Many don’t understand why people suffer from pain killer addiction. Unfortunately, this can make them unsympathetic to the condition of addiction that creeps up on patients who have legitimate...
View ArticleIs Addiction a Disease or a Choice?
Diseased or degenerate? Perceptions about the nature of substance use disorders hindered treatment for generations by stigmatizing dependency as the product of a weak will. Such perceptions limited...
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